This study examines the influence of guidance and counseling services on students academic performance. The study employed survey research design and using five (5) selected secondary school in Ibesikpo-Asutan, Akwaibom State. Random sampling technique was used to sample 147 respondents although 141 questionnaires returned was retrieved and validated for the study. Data were presented and analyzed using frequency and tables. Findings from the study reveals that the extent guidance and counselling is carried out in secondary schools is very high. The study also reveals that The types of guidance and counselling carried out in secondary schools include educational counselling, vocational counselling, personal counselling and social counselling. The study therefore recommends that teacher and counselors should implement all the services required for a guidance and counselling programme.; Guidance and counselling programme should be strengthened in order to improve the academic performance of secondary schools within the State. More so for a better academic performance of students in secondary schools, every school should have a functional guidance and counselling unit with the services of professional counselors as the heads.
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